OSSSC PEO Syllabus 2023 PDF Download & Exam Date @ osssc gov in

Get OSSSC PEO Syllabus 2023 PDF details in this post. Odisha Sub-Ordinate Staff Selection Commission was invited applications for Panchayat Executive Officer ( PEO ) and Junior Assistant ( JA ) posts. Here we explained about osssc peo syllabus 2023 exam date.

Odisha PEO Recruitment 2023 Syllabus

osssc peo syllabus 2023 pdf

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PEO Recruitment 2023 Syllabus

PEO also known as Panchayat Executive Officer. Osssc Peo syllabus 2023 is available on osssc official website. Don’t late for finding peo exam pattern. Below we have updated with peo syllabus pdf 2023.

OSSSC PEO Syllabus 2023

Exam NamePEO Exam
Conducted ByOSSSC
PEO Exam PatternWritten Test & Practical Skill Test
Total Marks 230 ( Written + Skill Test )
No. Of Questions180 ( Written )
Osssc PEO Cut Off MarksUpdate Soon
SyllabusOSSSC PEO Syllabus 2023
Duration3 Hours

PEO Recruitment 2023 Syllabus Pdf

In this year osssc peo recruitment 2023 syllabus pdf out for Panchayat Executive Officer Posts. OSSSC conducted Combined Recruitment Examination for Junior Assistant and PEO in 2023.

Odisha PEO Syllabus 2023

Odisha peo syllabus 2023 PDF is available on odisha sub-ordinate staff selection commission official website osssc.gov.in . PEO and JA exam will be held in two types such as written exam and practical skill test. Below we are discuss about odisha peo exam pattern.

Odisha Panchayat Executive Officer Syllabus

Odisha Panchayat Executive Officer 2023 recruitment drive was declared on month of february last week whose last date of applying was 12th April 2023. Previously we are updated with  SSC CGL Exam Centre List 2023 , SSC CGL Notification PDF and SSC CGL 2023 Syllabus for Tier 1 and Tier 2 Examinations.

OSSSC PEO Syllabus 2023

OSSSC PEO Syllabus 2023 out and get latest peo exam pattern book PDF.

PaperSubjectNo. Of QuestionsMax. MarksTime
1English40403 Hours
General Knowledge3535
Computer Knowledge3535
Total 180180

Odisha Panchayat Executive Officer 2023 Syllabus

OSSSC Written Exam Pattern

  1. The written test of osssc exam question will be held on standard of High School Certificate .
  2. Every wrong answer / multiple answers @0.50 mark negative marking.
  3. In the written test, the minimum qualifying marks for ST, SC, PWD. Ex- Servicemen and Sportsperson category of candidates shall be 30% Marks and the minimum qualifying marks for candidates other than ST, SC, PWD, Ex- Servicemen and Sportsperson category, shall be 35% Marks. The Gram Rojagar Sevaks shall be allowed 1% extra marks of the total marks of the Written Test for each completed year of continuous service subject to a maximum of the 15%, which shall be added to the marks secured by them for deciding the merit position for the post of PEO only. But in no case the marks secured together with the extra marks shall exceed the total marks.

Syllabus of PEO Written Exam

OSSSC PEO Engilsh Syllabus:

Osssc PEO English syllabus question paper will be comes on English Grammars such as

(i) Verbs. Tenses, Modal, Active and Passive voice, Subject-verb Agreement.

(ii) Connectors. Types of Sentences. Direct and Indirect speech, Comparison.

(iii) Articles, Noun, Pronouns, Prepositions.

(iv) Unseen passage (400-450 words in length ) with a variety of comprehension questionns.

  1. Odia:- (a) GRAMMAR

OSSSC PEO Odia Syllabus:

Osssc PEO odia syllabus question paper will be comes on odia grammars and prepositions such as

OSSC PEO Odia Grammar Syllabus:


(i) Transformation of sentences:

(Affirmative, Negative, Interrogative, Exclamatory. Simple, Compound Complex )

(ii) Transformation of words:

(noun to adjective and adjective to noun)

(iii) Sandhi

(iv) Samasa

(Affirmative, Negative, Interrogative, Exclamatory. Simple, Compound

(v) Antonyms and Synonyms

(vi) Correction of common errors in words

(vii) Idioms and Phrases

(viii) Taddhita and Krudanta

(ix) Punctuation marks


(i) Translation (From English to Odia of objective type)


OSSSC PEO Mathematics Syllabus:

(i) Number System

(ii) HCF and LCM

(iii) Squares and Square Roots (iv) Cubes and Cube Roots

(v) Percentage and Averages

(vi) Simple Interest and Compound Interest

(vii) Profit, Loss and Discount

(viii) Partnership

(ix) Ratio and Proportion

OSSSC PEO General Knowledge Syllabus:

(i) Historical events, dates, personalities and places.

(ii) Geographical facts with places. (iii) States, Countries and Institutions with Headquarters,

(iv) Books and authors,

(v) Scientific facts and discoveries with dates, persons and uses

(vi) Current events with places and personalities,

(vii) Matching questions of miscellaneous type

OSSSC PEO Computer Knowledge Syllabus

(i) MS Windows: Introduction of Windows

(ii) MS Office: MS Word, MS Power Point, MS Excel and MS Access

Osssc PEO Previous Year Question Papers

Osssc peo previous year question paper PDF will be updated in this post. Stay updated with this post.

Osssc PEO Syllabus 2023 PDF Download

Osssc peo syllabus 2023 pdf download here. Download link available in below.


I hope you can find latest osssc peo syllabus 2023 PDF in this post. So daily visit our website and join our telegram channel for more updates.

What is the syllabus of Osssc PEO?

Osssc peo syllabus 2023

Osssc Peo Syllabus 2023 also come from English , Odia , Mathematics Subjects and Computer Skills Test

Is there any negative marking in Osssc PEO?

Yes , Osssc PEO negative marking is 0.50 marks per wrong answer / multiple answer.

What is peo in odisha?

In Odisha PEO also known as Panchayat Executive Officer.

What is the salary of PEO in Odisha?

PEO salary in Odisha is Pay Scale 21700 – 69100, Pay Matrix level-5, Cell-01

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